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Contact Arouzer

Warner Bros. Television “Capture” Marketing

Visit Capture's Website

Created a mid-season marketing strategy to target a new, untapped yet substantial audience: the gamer and technology enthusiast. Created supporting marketing videos, press articles, and graphics. Example: I Want To Play The Real-Life Video Game They Built For Capture

Content Development: Created additional marketing content (videos & photographs) from existing show content and show out takes to support a substantial increase of marketing activity across social media. Example: Red Team and Teal Team

Marketing Execution: Created behind the scenes marketing videos specifically for the show’s cast members to share on their personal social accounts. Video content was created to initiate and sustain compelling social conversations. Example: Funny Teal Team Argument

THQ "Dark Siders" Game Trailer

Watch the Game's Video Trailer

THQ wanted to demonstrate the game's scenario by creating a fictional world that is related to the game, yet different from the actual gameplay.

Content Development: Worked closely with the client on the overall execution, including creating the concept and supervising the production and CG teams.

Marketing Execution: Trailer was released to a number of high traffic game sites and YouTube video channels.

UFC "Live Action" Game Trailer

Watch the Game's Video Trailer

To attract the hard core UFC fans, the game's trailer uses the actual UFC announcer and real video shot at the UFC training gym.

Content Development: Worked closely with the client on a number of concepts and overall execution.

Marketing Execution: Distributed to UFC's substantial online presence, as well as other digital media channels.

Warner Bros Games "Batman" Game Trailer

Watch the Game's Video Trailer

The game trailer lets gamers and Batman fans know that this game is based on the original franchise and not a spin-off from the movie or television show.

Content Development: Captured gameplay footage and managed overall project execution.

Marketing Execution: Trailer was released to a number of high traffic game sites and YouTube video channels.